Ten minutes

Free writing. Just for kicks, until 6:00 pm.

I have twenty minutes.

Today, I decided that as soon as I get home – and as long as Canelo Dog is not desperate to go for a walk – I will sit at my desk and simply see what happens. I love my desk. I love all the treasures its single drawer holds: multiple flash drives, paper, colored pencils, cameras, markers, a scrapbook, a stationary set, photographs, old mail. Just underneath it, books are stacked neatly just to the side of where my feet rest. Books about photography, writing, calligraphy, drawing, mindfulness, and more. A basket with a plethora of acrylic paint tubes and a plastic Texas Rangers cup holding a variety of paint brushes sit between the right side of my desk and the wall that isn’t much of a wall. It is almost entirely window. I also love windows, because I love natural light.

My desk is inspiring. I want to create or learn every time I sit at it. I reflect. It is my own little space, the most personal space that exists for me.

I need a more comfortable chair for my desk…

How am I?

I am well. It seems that almost daily, I am asked how I am doing, feeling, holding up.

Uh oh. Canelo Dog is up. Time to go. So much for twenty minutes.

He is my favorite priority.

This is it.

It is interesting, how I can be as equally moved and inspired by what is ugly as I am by what is beautiful.

These last few weeks have been overwhelming, and I wish I had been more committed to writing and documenting as events were happening, but I was not. So, here I am. Digging back into my memory, trying to recollect the facts and feelings and my own reactions. What a year this is shaping up to be. And we are only halfway through it.

Ask and you shall receive. I know this is a reference to a Bible verse, so it is uncharacteristic of me, an atheist, to allude to. It is just so fitting, though. I do not believe in higher beings, I haven’t for years and never will again. I do, however, believe that we live in an abundant universe that takes the cues that we send out to it and gives back to us accordingly. Perhaps it is the Law of Attraction that has caused life to give me just what I needed and even more than I asked for.

And I am grateful.

The biggest news to share is that I broke up with the fella. This will seem so out of the blue for many, but those who know me best will readily admit that it was a long time coming. I tried. I made every effort, some very desperately, to make the relationship work and to be happy in it. I focused on all that was good about it – and there was an abundance, the list could go on and on – while neglecting what was fundamentally wrong.

Neglect may not entirely be the right word. The issue was always on my mind, pulling me down from the high that I wanted to stay on. I ignored it. I banished it to the depths of my subconscious, away from present thoughts, discredited just how awful it truly was. I would bottle up each emotion associated with it, only to have outbursts of those emotions when they all became too much. Every two months or so – DRAMA. Then I would calm down and move on, allow myself to be “happy” with the way matters were.

I can’t do that anymore.

Sharing the details here is not warranted. I will not do that to him. He is not ready for this to be over, which is making this all the more difficult for me. He even asked that I not make it public just yet, I assume that he meant on Facebook. I have shared the news with some people, though. My best friends, of course, and friends at work who have noticed a change. That is the downside to having a happy and positive demeanor: the moment you go too long without smiling, everyone knows that something is up. I was asked all throughout the week if I was “okay” or if something was “wrong”. Oy.

True to my nature, though, I am focusing on being positive about this all. I absolutely believe that this is in my best interest. I need out of this relationship. This has become the year of self-rediscovery, after all. What better time to be alone? What better way to concentrate on being my true self and creating my own reality? Also, holy shit, I have the greatest friends! And goddamn, there are people out there who care about me more than I even realized! I have received so many messages of encouragement, expressions of support, words of advice. I have been told that my happiness is what is important, that I can be strong, I can get past this.

I had a friend, a fairly new one, take me out to dinner the other night. Another is taking me out tonight. I have had multiple people offer me a place to stay if need be (the fact that I live with the fella is a complicated aspect of this ordeal). A group of gals has planned an outing next weekend since, oh-by-the-way, my birthday is coming up. One friend told me I can have him bring his trailer if I need to move things out. Another friend said that not only am I welcome to stay at his place, but he is also willing to drive me to work every morning. Say whaaaaa?

It is all almost unbearably sweet! So much love is overwhelming. And beautiful, no doubt. It is so undeniably beautiful. My goodness.

I will be staying put, however, crazy as that may seem to most. I talked things over with the fella yesterday – a calm, mature conversation. Our lease is not up until February, I have three critters to move, we have possessions to divide. There is no need to act hastily here. We agreed to live together until it is more feasible for each of us to move. I do love the man, I bear him no ill will, and I know he loves me as well. We can remain amicable, we can continue being each other’s support, we can be friends, I believe, and strongly hope. Once again, this is me being the eternal optimist. I cannot help myself, y’all.

That is it. There is nothing else I would like to share about this. The rest is reserved.

Ugghhh. I am struggling to publish this…

Here goes.